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Epure – More EU Countries Adopt E10 Fuel Blend with Renewable Ethanol to Reduce Emissions

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ePURE – More EU countries adopt E10 fuel blend with renewable ethanol to reduce emissions.

As the EU considers the best way to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from road transport and in the coming decades, more countries are turning to a solution that delivers proven results: E10, a petrol blend with up to 10% renewable ethanol.

This month, Austria, Ireland and Norway became the latest European countries to make E10 available at the petrol pump, with Poland also considering launching it in May. Currently 17 EU countries plus Norway and the U.K. have rolled out E10 at petrol stations.

David Carpintero, Director General of ePURE, the European renewable ethanol association.

It’s clear more countries could boost renewables in transport now by adopting E10, which can be used in existing infrastructure and works in virtually all petrol and hybrid cars on the road today.

“Crop-based biofuels such as renewable ethanol are the most immediate, cost-effective, sustainable and socially inclusive emissions-reduction solution the EU has.”

According to a recent report in Argus Media, E10’s market share is rising in many countries where it is already in use. In France, E10 took a record 58.3% share of the gasoline mix in January, according to road fuel federation SNPAA. In Germany E10 accounted for around 25% of the gasoline market in December last year, up from an average of around 17% in 2021.

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More EU countries adopt E10 fuel blend with renewable ethanol to reduce emissions, April 17, 2023

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