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Department of Energy Announces up to $10 Million for Algal Systems Research and Development to Expand US Bioenergy Feedstock

US Bioenergy Feedstock
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Department of Energy Announces up to $10 Million for Algal Systems Research and Development to Expand US Bioenergy Feedstock

Maximizing Algal System Yield (MASY) Notice of Funding Opportunity

  • NOFO Number: DE-FOA-0003520
  • NOFO Amount: $10 million
  • Selections to be Announced:   ̴ September 2025
  • Link to Apply: DE-FOA-0003520

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) announced up to $10 million in funding to support high-impact research and development (R&D) focused on algae system cultivation and preprocessing. The notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), Maximizing Algal System Yield (MASY), will support BETO’s R&D priorities in the area of Renewable Carbon Resources for advancing algal systems

Algae can provide abundant, feedstock sources for affordable, reliable biofuels, bioproducts, and bioenergy that do not compete with existing feedstocks. For this NOFO, algae include microalgae, cyanobacteria, and macroalgae (also referred to as seaweed).

The MASY NOFO seeks applications to address ‘pinch points’ (defined as a challenge area within a proposed system that, if relieved, would enable scaling towards commercialization) in algal system operations that currently limit algae expansion as a domestic bioenergy feedstock. By addressing these challenges now with targeted applied R&D, BETO will accelerate the development of innovative technologies that can enable algae developers to bring new bioproducts to market, that will grow domestic supply chains, expand access to renewable feedstocks, and improve energy security. 

This funding opportunity aligns with EERE and national goals to deliver a resilient energy future, by maximizing the use of domestic resources, and supporting the growth of the bioeconomy to provide good paying jobs for all Americans.

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Department of Energy Announces up to $10 Million for Algal Systems Research and Development to Expand US Bioenergy Feedstock, source

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